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Pet Care: What Every Pet Owner Should Know

Hello, fellow pet lovers!

Are you excited to add a new furry (or scaly, or feathered) member to your family? Awesome! But as you probably know, being a pet owner is a big responsibility and it's important to make sure you're prepared for your new pet. That's why I've put together this guide to help you understand the basics of what your pet will need for a happy and healthy life with you. Good pet ownership starts with good pet care, and that means understanding your pet's needs, anticipating them, and providing for them.


First up, let's talk about diet. You'll want to make sure you have a designated area in your home for feeding and a set schedule for meals. You'll also want to make sure your pet has easy access to fresh water (regularly refilled) and that you're feeding the correct portion size. Remember, the exact diet will depend on your pet's species, age, weight, level of activity, and reproductive stage.

If your pet has full access to the house or yard such as a cat or dog, then pick a cool and dry area, preferably out of the way of your general activity (like a laundry room), for food and water. If your pet is caged then there should be a cool and dry area inside the cage. The pet should be able to access it easily and so should you to facilitate regular cleaning of the bowls.


Next, we'll talk about housing. For pets that can roam around the house or yard, you'll want to make sure you have a designated area for rest and relief, to minimize the potential for illness. For caged pets, you'll want to make sure the cage is the right size and that you're keeping the area clean. This minimizes the potential for illness as contamination is reduced. "Don't poop where you scoot." Any waste should be quickly removed.

The size of the area to which your pet has access should be chosen with the size of the pet in mind. Will your pet grow, climb, jump, etc.? The goal is to be able to allow the animal enough space to express its natural behaviors. Also to be considered is what they are exposed to in these areas (electrical cords, harmful liquids, rat traps, and breakable items to name a few). The area should be safe, so remove any harmful items or place them out of reach.


Socialization is also important - you'll want to make sure they have interactions with animals of their own kind and with humans. This can help prevent boredom and destructive behaviors, and it helps in developing appropriate interactions and social skills for the pet. The onus is on the owner to facilitate effective training, the choice and extent of which depends on your purpose for owning the pet (types of training - obedience training, litter training, house training, aggression training).


Finally, let's not forget about veterinary care. Before you acquire a pet, it's important to find a vet that you trust and who is willing to provide you with the best care for your new pet. They will guide you on the frequency of visits based on your pet's stage of life, purpose, and any presenting concerns. You can learn as an owner how to differentiate between normal and abnormal so that you can act promptly to protect your best pal.

These guidelines were created with the 5 Rules of Animal Welfare in mind, for the safety and well-being of all animals.

Alright, that's the basics! Remember, being a pet owner is a big responsibility and it's up to you to make sure that your new pet has everything they need for a happy and healthy life with you.

Take care!


Thank you for reading! Remember, your pet's health and well-being are my top priority. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. See you in the next post.



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